Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What is the reason behind breaking up a marriage|+91-9646823014

What is the reason behind breaking up a marriage|+91-9646823014


People won’t be breaking up a marriage unless there is a strong valid reason behind it. Because People will proceed for engagement after feeling the person as life partner from heart and marriage is the most beautiful and important event in everyone’s life. If you are thinking about break up, I guess you had a strong reason behind it.  If you have a valid and strong reason like the person. who you going to marry is not correct to you or is not good etc, then you can break up. Because If you marry like that person, Not only both of your lives will get the effect, your children live in future also will get affected.

Reason for breaking up a marriage

There is some reason for breaking up a marriage. they are given below. 

·  you fight about money constantly

Study after study has shown that money is the number one thing couples fight about. If you and your fiancée frequently butt heads over paying the bills, saving money or working towards other financial goals, that may be a red flag your relationship isn’t built to last.

· You haven’t known each other very long

While there are some couples who manage to stay together for the long haul after getting engaged quickly, that’s more the exception than the rule. According to a 2006 study, couples who plan to tie the knot after less than 6 months of dating have the lowest chances of survival.

· Your romance started online

Online dating is all the rage these days, but it may not bode well for the status of your engagement. In one study, 32% of couples who met in cyberspace broke up before they said “I do,” versus 23% of couples who got to know each other the old-fashioned way.

· You split up the housework

Splitting up household chores when you live together keeps one partner from doing too much of the work, but it can put an unintended strain on your relationship. In a Norwegian study, couples who shared the housework equally were more likely to call it quits.

· You’re skipping out on a honeymoon

Taking a trip somewhere warm and exotic can add even more money to your wedding expenses, but there’s a good reason for planning a honeymoon. Research shows that engagements are more likely to be successful when a post-wedding getaway is on the agenda.

· Fear of commitment is in your DNA

Your genetics determine your hair color, eye color, and height, but according to Swedish scientists, your genes also influence your ability to commit. Women who possess a certain allele are more likely to break off they'remarriage or get divorced if they do marry.

· You spend a lot of time on social media

If you’re constantly tweeting about your upcoming nuptials, you could be putting your vows on the line without even realizing it. Researchers at The University of Missouri found that break-up rates increase when one person in the relationship is more active on Twitter.

· You already have kids

Traditionally, couples would get married and then have kids, but times have changed and it’s not uncommon to have a family while you’re still engaged. The only problem is that research suggests as many as half of the couples will split before their child turns 3 without ever tying the knot.

· Or you’ve lost a child

Experiencing the loss of a child as the result of a miscarriage or stillbirth is emotionally devastating, and it’s something that couples struggle to recover from. According to one study, it’s a major contributing factor to break-ups for couples who live together before marriage.

· You don’t like the same movies

Extremely different tastes in movies could be a potential obstacle for your engagement. Research shows that couples who watch romantic movies together and then discuss them afterward are better able to head off problems that could end the relationship.

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