Saturday, August 3, 2019

Can powerful black magic spells help to control husband mind|+91-9646823014

Can powerful black magic spells help to control husband mind|+91-9646823014

Yes, because black magic has been used in doing many things to fulfill people’s desires. A woman’s biggest desire is getting a loving husband who accepts her every little or big demands, loves her unconditionally. But it is never easy to find a husband who gives a nod to each and every wish of her wife. If you want to use the black magic spell for controlling your husband’s mind than we will surely provide you many methods and rituals of black magic by which you can become the ultimate master of your husband’s mind. If you think that your husband has lost all the interest in you than you can use the black magic spell.

Powerful black magic spells to control husband mind

If you have doubt that your husband is having an affair with any other women or is interested in someone then you can use the power of this black magic so that he will not do these further malicious acts. After using this black magic you will become the master of your husband’s mind and he will do everything as you say, follow every order as you command. So we are providing you the first method/ritual of black magic for controlling husband’s mind. Follow these steps:
  • Take two onions to keep them in both of your hands.
  • Now recite this following powerful black magic spell 1000 times:
Fismento vasmaci mizmoka hozmera grato vildema hou se
Kinosa fosmica domera khalisa dimga tos veska tolda ho
Melva torema vasforas kelaos elijas ton kiz bosis secsemptra
Hogis persometos vikoras halda vosa famosa kalmeka holas.
  • Now take a bowl of water and put the onions into it. Keep the onions in the water for 1 hour.
  • Now took the bowl in your hands and recite this following powerful black magic spell 150 times:
Lectosa penja phasmote nokma dok vias as pekas domas tisa
Hectoma secsa polcha helema consa tera naomisa pondulisa
Misota peno viso deka hou sena jigo ma pela fona hokma sema
Kaloma toima tinkosa moisa mesa rojiza valdau nikoz filcho tis.
  • After that make food by using those onions and give it to your husband.
  • Follow this process for 2 weeks and your husband will be in your control.

 Another black magic spell for controlling husband’s mind. 

     To control your husband mind. follow their steps.
  • Take the picture of your husband in your left hand and his handkerchief in your right hand and recite this following powerful black magic spell 200 times:
Philosa domega kilo dema fosa vegda poncho hoi sui tiko venu
Toi higa pei benja moseka valdeva norimlas volika pentos sotu
Maiso pai choma tiso fez goima naka cico bonis fosmonto velga
Chomiga norta telka noima holas fes viras pontas noina tosas.
  • Now take a bowl full of water and recite the following mentioned black magic spell 200 times:
Chois nemo tora homi gesma toisa telas voi fas cosmis tesas ge
Dezroz velcos fetos nintas pelkas voisas peldo bejoas valdiga
Hoisa mhisa kola deas vokas chegma tena voi te soi gelas vois
Telkomas bonis veltis nosma kol tindo penchis tou hogma hulm.
  • Now you can simply give this milk to your husband to drink or you can make tea of it. Before giving it to your husband read the following one line spell 3 times:
Voisa nekas toma pucks fencho nexto holto mexo nujios fenk.
  • Perform this ritual for a time period of 2 weeks and your husband’s mind will be in your control and he will start listening to you.


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