Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How do I become a black magic-user at home? |+91-9888520774

How do I become a black magic-user at home? |+91-9888520774

if you have become a black magic-user at are essentially becoming a magnet for such demonic and paranormal forces. Of course, I can see that you have already made your decision so let me give you a very valuable piece of advice that my father gave me when I got started exploring my powers many years ago. Work on yourself and build up your inner strength before you delve into the paranormal. This will help keep you alive longer. 
Before you use Black magic, remember the rule-
Do as you will, but harm none; to thine self be true
harm, not an elder’s hair nor another’s tinder burn
lest all goodness and protection abandon you,
and harm will three times three times three to you return;
Nature says as you reap, you will sow
so don’t walk a path whose end you don’t know
Don’t trust the one who cares for none
remember- you can’t undo what things are done
If there is a cost, you will pay the price,
in full, not once, not twice, but always thrice.“  

Consequences of performing black magic at home

Black magic is sorcery, manipulation, and force. It is more destructive to the practitioner than it can be to anyone else.
- When you open to the door to the dark world and attempt to command spiritual forces for something negative like Gogo Nyathi has done, you open yourself up first to all harm that will be caused.
- You are not separate from anything. Sometimes the people you want to hurt, or whom you want to get rid of are not "out there”. They are a part of you. When you use dark magic the “separation” between you and everything else becomes porous.
- You may seem to be getting away with it, but it’s an illusion. Everything that you do comes back to you eventually.


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